EVU Annual congress (English)

By 26 Settembre 2012Varie

Italian version | German version

22nd Annual Congressof the
European Association forAccident Research and Analysis



22. Jahrestagung der Europäischen Vereinigung für Unfallforschung und Unfallanalyse e.V.



17th – 19th October 2013 – Florence, Italy


Dear EVU member and dear friend,

The 22nd Annual Congress 2013 will be held in Florence and EVU Italia will be in charge of organising it. There is no need to introduce Florence as it is one of the most famous tourist places in the world with so many European and world visitors every day. Such an important gathering is a great commitment for the European reconstruction experts and therefore we will certainly focus on technical and scientific contents but at the same time we will not forget taking care of our guests by offering the most enjoyable aspects such as culture, sights and the typical cuisine of our region. This is also part of the organisers’ commitment!

As far as the technical and scientific contents are concerned, EVU Italia proposed a few subjects which are not only interesting for all of us but also very useful in our daily work tasks: Accidents of two wheel vehicles (reconstruction and safety), Data recorders, Humans factors in road accidents. At the end, we will hold the usual Open Forum which will allow those who performed interesting research in different sectors to offer their contribution to our event. The Board will discuss the final agenda at the 21st Congress in Brasov, and shortly after the end of the meeting you will get the Call for Papers. You are hence very welcome to start working on your paper for the forthcoming Congress.

While looking forward to seeing you in Florence at the 22nd Annual Congress, please accept our kindest regards.


Dr. Virginio Rivano

CEO of EVU Italia



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