EVU XXVI 2017 – 08 Using CCTV data in the analysis of real vehicle accidents: a laser scanner approach

Using CCTV data in the analysis of real vehicle accidents: a laser scanner approach
Ing. Francesco Del Cesta1*, P.I. Andrea Del Cesta
1Studio Del Cesta, Italy
*Corresponding author; e-mail: francesco@studiodelcesta.com


When available, CCTV system can produce important information for the analysis of real vehicle
accidents. The movements of one or more of the involved vehicles, or even the collision itself, could be
imaged by security cameras closed to scene of the accident; what happened on the scene after the
accident can be recorded and alterations can be found out. However, the existence of a video it is not
sufficient in itself: for the actual reconstruction of the accident, quantitative information must be
derived from the cameras, such as the positions of the vehicles and/or their speeds. In the present work a possible approach, based on the combined usage of PC-Crash and the laser scanner survey of the
scene, is proposed. Three accident reconstruction cases, with available CCTV data, will be discussed and
the results of the video-analysis will be compared with the reconstruction of the accidents using PCCrash.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia

AutoreIng. Francesco Del Cesta1*, P.I. Andrea Del Cesta 1Studio Del Cesta, Italy
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