EVU XXV 2016 – 23 Major components of the energy balance in the process of a motorcycle impact against a motor car side

Major components of the energy balance
in the process of a motorcycle impact
against a motor car side
Leon Prochowski, Tomasz Pusty, Karol Zielonka
Military University of Technology,
Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT)


The energy balance was determined on the grounds of a research experiment. The main stage of the
calculations carried out within the analysis resulted in determining time histories of the forces and reactions acting within the area of contact between the car, motorcycle, and motorcyclist. Then, the force
vs. time curves were used to determine the vehicle deformation and displacement work. The curves
representing changes in the velocities and displacements of the solids involved, necessary for the calculations, were determined from results of measurements of components of the motorcar, motorcycle, and motorcyclist dummy’s head and torso acceleration vectors.

The most important processes related to the motorcycle and car motions have been described as well.
In the recapitulation, results of calculations of individual components of the energy balance of the road
accident under analysis have been given. The calculation results, which have been given in both analytical and graphic form, lead to conclusions useful for the reconstruction of road accidents with motorcyclists where the vehicle configuration would be like the one under analysis.

La lettura di questo articolo è riservata ai soli Soci EVU Italia


AutoreLeon Prochowski, Tomasz Pusty, Karol Zielonka Military University of Technology, Automotive Industry Institute (PIMOT)
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