EVU XXV 2016 – 21 Braking – Steering Conflict of ADAS systems

Braking – Steering Conflict
of ADAS systems
Walter Niewöhner
DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Accident Research


The advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) are changing the way of driving more and more. The
understanding of the functionality of these systems is often incomplete. The system configuration is
based on several influencing parameters. Sometimes is it difficult to understand why is a system is
acting in this way. There are several influences why a system which is doing advanced emergency
braking (AEB) is starting to brake at one point or not. The sensors are able to detect another road user
or an object much more earlier than the system itself will start to brake. The driver is able to avoid a collision by braking and/or steering. At lower speeds (e. g. below 30 km/h) braking is always the possibility which requires less remaining distance to the possible collision than steering. At higher speeds steering will be the better alternative. Therefore the system will wait with active braking unless the driver has no chance to avoid a collision by steering. The contribution will describe the background and show several videos which were generated by the vFSS group.

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AutoreWalter Niewöhner DEKRA Automobil GmbH, Accident Research
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