EVU XXV 2016 – 10 Reconstruction of sliding collisions by calculating partial collision

Reconstruction of sliding collisions
by calculating partial collision
Werner Gratzer, Peter Harald Reif
DWG – Analyzer Pro


Streaking collisions respectively sliding collisions require high skills of accident reconstruction. During
streaking collisions, the vehicles touch each other for a longer time period than during collisions without
sliding, hence, the selection of a representative push spot as part of the common forward and backward
calculation is highly complex. The wrong choice of the push spot has an enormous impact on the calculatedcollision speed. Due to the prolonged collision duration of sliding collisions, external forces cannotbe neglected anymore, the total momentum at the end of the collision is smaller than on the
beginning of the collision.

In order to apply the method of a forward calculation with partial collisions,
the entire sliding collision is separated into several sectional collisions. As the entire collision is finished
only after the last sectional collision, the k-factor of the previous sectional collisions needs to be chosen
in a way that they start with a negative value and increase to a positive one. Taking the example of
a head-to-tail collision, the foundational theory is explained and consequently applied to the Crash Test
SH 06.84.

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AutoreWerner Gratzer, Peter Harald Reif DWG – Analyzer Pro
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