EVU XXV 2016 – 09 Event Data Recorder (EDR) for Automated Driving

Event Data Recorder (EDR)
for Automated Driving
Andreas Forster, Christian Kuhrt, Bardo Peters
Continental, Division Chassis & Safety
Business Unit Passive Safety & Sensorics


An Event Data Recorder (EDR) provides an unbiased data base which shall help to analyze accidents
by finding out about physical facts, which in turn help to clarify responsibilities. This rationale has lead
to a mandatory use of EDR in the United States since 2014. For that purpose the NHTSA has defined
the required U.S. EDR data contents (differentiating between minimal and optional extent). To meet this
demand Continental has developed a configurable EDR solution that is in use in the USA. Details can
be found in the 2012 EVU annual congress proceedings.
While the discussion about EDR use is still going on in the world markets, the need for this technology
will soon increase: At the moment the roadmap for partially and highly automated driving is being defined by most of the OEMs and participating governments worldwide. What is currently not clearly defined is how future accidents, involving automated driving vehicles, can be investigated and judged. The main goal is to obtain evidence about the system or driver responsibility in case of erroneous maneuvers – illegal actions or accidents caused.

Building on existing technology, Continental suggests a concept of an EDR/AD for automated driving.
It needs to be clarified which data is recorded, how the data is accessed by whom, and how the vehicle
architecture shall look like to guarantee data consistency. Current trends in the automotive industry
regarding data recording are presented together with a solution which is currently being developed.

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AutoreAndreas Forster, Christian Kuhrt, Bardo Peters Continental, Division Chassis & Safety Business Unit Passive Safety & Sensorics
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