EVU XXIII 2014-27 Establishing the pedestrian’s speed or movement using the interpretation of impact marks remained on the vehicle

Gabriel Paduraru, National Insti tute of Forensic Expertise, Bucharest
Romania, district Laboratory of Iasi


In the pedestrian accidents that have been analyzed, a very important parameter in order to calculate the avoidance possibilities is the pedestrian’s speed. The pedestrian’s movement speed is taken from diagrams or tables in which the speed is recorded taking account of age, anthropometric data, special conditions of movement etc. In many cases the pedestrians or witnesses admit that the pedestrian has made one type of motion and the driver admits that he has made another type.

Obviously, the avoidance possibilities are different in the case of normal walk than in that of the rush or rapid movement of the pedestrian. In this paperwork, we suggest an interpreting and analyzing method of the impact marks remained on the vehicle in order to calculate the pedestrian’s speed or to establish the type of pedestrian movement at the moment of impact.

Testo completo della pubblicazione scientifica disponibile ai soli iscritti.

AutoreGabriel Paduraru, National Insti tute of Forensic Expertise, Bucharest Romania, district Laboratory of Iasi
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