22nd Annual Meeting information for presenters

By 23 Aprile 2013Varie
Italian language  English language  German language 

22nd Annual Congress 2013 in Florence

Dear Authors and co-authors of papers for Annual Meeting

On behalf of the President of EVU I am authorized to inform you that after validation of delivered abstract by Scientific Board your proposition of paper for XXII EVU Annual Meeting was accepted for written only and/or oral presentation. According to our rules enclosed in call for papers you must deliver the full text in English (an additional German or Italian version will also be most welcome) not later than:

May 15 th, 2013.

Papers have to be prepared on the form attached to this mail or downloadable from the EVU web page and resent to organizers of conference on address: http://www.evuitalia.eu/ in the WORD file.

The EVU Headquarters will arrange for the full text of papers to be reviewed and if necessary revised by proofreaders before the conference, so please keep strongly to the date above.

Oral Presenters of the selected papers will be exempt from the conference registration fee and will be entered for the competition for the best young presenters (max. age 40).

Provisional program of the Annual Meeting 2013 is an attachment.

                                                                                                                                           With kind regards         
                                                                                                                                           Jan Unarski PhD         
                                                                                                                                           Scientific Board

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